Cowichan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Expert Horticultural Advice

From Seed to Success

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Our Core Services

Custom Hydroponic Recipes

Save up to 90% on your fertilizer bill by switching to custom agricultural salt recipes.

Irrigation Design

Facility wide irrigation design with your specific needs in mind. Don't leave your irrigation up to guesswork.

Data Analysis

We review data related to crop production with a horticultural lens, which allows for practical recommendations and trial design.

SOP Review and Creation

Don't back yourself into a corner with poorly written SOPs. We can create SOPs that keep you compliant, but not overburdened.

Question & Answer
What is a custom fertilizer recipe?

Using common and inexpensive agricultural salts we can design a custom program suited to your facility and crop. You can have unlimited flexibility with what goes into the crop, and get the best possible understanding of how individual nutrients affect the growth. Benefits can include, but are not limited to:

- No need for RO, since elements present in the source water can be accounted for (RO often results in free calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients being flushed down the drain).

- A decrease in fertilizer costs by as much as 90%. The same fertilizer inputs that companies use to mix their premade mixes are available at much lower cost to you. The trick is knowing how to mix them correctly.

- Improved understanding of what is going into your crop. No longer will you just add some Cal Mag and pray. We will give you an element by element breakdown of each of the macro and micronutrients feeding your crop. We can break this up in any way you choose, and can teach you how to use the tools we use to drive decision making in thecrop

What is data analysis? How would that help my grow?

Have you ever had an incredible crop with yield and potency through the roof, but when you try to replicate it you can't quite reach the same level? Well, we are here to help! Analysis of data is a skill that growers often simply don't have time to learn and implement. We can assist by taking data and teasing out relationships between key variables such as: environmental, fertilizer, light, irrigation strategy, and cultural techniques. We provide in-depth reports that help guide future trials at your facility.

What experience does your team have? Who are you?

We are a team of scientists, agrologists, horticulturists, and irrigation designers that help you achieve the best results in your grow. Drawing on years of experience we help facilities implement tried and trued methodologies from the horticultural and scientific communities that increase profits, decrease labour costs, and improve crop development. We have worked in a variety of different settings including as researchers, technical advisors, and project management across several different industries (including a keen focus on cannabis production specifically).

Sounds great! How do I sign up?

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